Ex Libris CY_BORG A directory of content, tools, and resources

Digital Goblin Hunt

Concept: “Fellow hackers/gearheads/hunters, A never seen before, net-bound creature has been spotted at the fringes of Low Meadow slums. Detectable only through RCDs, the UCS has identified it as an #ERROR#999.bug and named it DIGITAL GOBLIN.”
Content: A contest to capture a goblin hiding out somewhere in the net.
Writing: Ten locations where the goblin could be found, described with brief but vivid details and complemented by tests and events that occur when exploring each.
Art/Design: White-on-black lo-fi “1Bit” pixel/ASCII art aesthetic arranged as a trifold pamphlet, with mission and location specifics on the outer panels and a large map of the region across the inner panels.
Usability: Visually apparent consistency in design grammar to distinguish different text content (headings, GM notes, etc.) and aid with navigation to desired info, with each location’s text beside a relevant graphic of that location taken from the area map.