Ex Libris CY_BORG A directory of content, tools, and resources



Concept: “There's been a hushed-up incident at the Naiman Cybernetics factory in Bigmosse. The corpos are sweating and they need it cleaned up- fast and off-the-books. Head in and clean house, but stay on your guard: this is just the tip of the iceberg.”
Content: A clearance mission at a cybernetics facility where the situation has gotten dangerously out of hand. Content provided in three versions: a “classic look” black-on-yellow scheme, a “nite mode” black-on-gray scheme, and a “squeaky clean” black-on-white scheme that uses standard fonts.
Writing: Detailed breakdowns of locations, NPCs/enemies, potential events that might unfold (including an alternate plot hook), and an optional set of bonus goals for the PCs to achieve.
Art/Design: Each version makes use of a single-column text layout, simplified location maps, and illustrations of enemy cyborgs.
Usability: Very easily readable and navigable, with consistent use of distinct headings/labels to indicate different sections and kinds of content and important elements.

3:10 to Borghold

Concept: “It's time to rob a train---CY_BORG style! Do your research, plan your approach, and extract a high-value target from a prison transport before you're overwhelmed by security forces. Get in, get out, get paid!”
Content: A job to take care of (kill or extract) a target on a prison train.
Writing: Lots of helpful and flavorful details throughout from preparation to execution to tips on how different approaches/plans might play out.
Art/Design: Three-column landscape spread with an illustration of a train in the top center and white-on-black text with yellow headings all around. 
Usability: Consistent organization and presentation of text (headings, bolded details, etc.) to make navigation and identification of desired details easy.

404.fm “THE JAMZ”

Concept: “A crazed socialite with a seemingly bottomless wallet and far more information and connections than one person in CY has any right to. He could take over this city in a matter of days, instead he’d rather play sick jams as the backing to an even sicker game.”
Content: An adventure/scenario for destructive PCs who enjoy a soundtrack to their chaos from a malevolent DJ.
Writing: Brief descriptions of tasks to complete cunningly reflect a variety of music genres that the GM is encouraged to develop a playlist for ahead of time (punk, metal, hip-hop, electronic, etc.). 
Art/Design: White text on dark brick-pattern background with a hand-drawn chaotic punk in motion on the cover. Each page (focused on a musical genre and its tasks) is given unique character with font choices and text arrangement.
Usability: Large text makes identifying each element and its relation to other elements–and a similar structure for each page helps this identification and navigation. Helpful note for GMs on the last page also encourages combination and experimentation.

A Beautiful Day for a Metro Heist

Concept: “The heist begins as the PCs are traveling on the metro. First, the train blows past their stop. Then, the door locks engage. Finally, the train starts going fast.  REALLY FAST. CYSG puts out a localized RCD blast: ‘To all aboard, the train has been hijacked… ...stop the train, get a reward… ...you have approximately...twenty minutes before the train derails…’”
Content: A gig to put a halt to a train-jacking.
Writing: Concise descriptions with bursts of flavor to flesh out train car events, inhabitants, and potential outcomes.
Art/Design: White on black with pink and yellow accents. Wide spread of content across quartered sections, with a diagonal map of a train car cutting across them. Illustrations of a train car interior and an NPC portrait accompany the text.
Usability: High contrast text/ground. Initial read-through may be somewhat confusing, as supplement “begins” on lower left and then moves up and to the right across multiple separated sections of diagonally oriented content. A player handout of train car map/layout is included.

A Botched Delivery

Concept: “This scenario was written to tie two separate groups of PCs together into one central narrative. One group of PCs are fleeing from the Reaper Repo scenario (included in the CY_BORG Asset Pack) while another group of PCs are waiting in a getaway car.”
Content: An intricate means of integrating multiple PC parties into the same story, making skillful use of the Full Auto supplement for support (required for this adventure’s vehicular component).
Writing: Focused direction for how to set up & run the encounter components (including individual NPCs) is valuable for the GM unsure of how to handle everything. Tons of ambience provided in descriptions of the scenario location.
Art/Design: Simple three-column layout across three pages, with a map illustration and room descriptions across p. 2.
Usability: Content is pretty easily navigable thanks to simplicity of layout, with some accent color and bolding choices to help distinguish section headers and important details.

A Hundred Thousand Burned Hackers

Concept: “Nova gives you free drinks sometimes. You pay when you can. Now she needs a favor. Got herself in deep. Owes a lot of creds to some unfriendly goons. Luckily a solution walked into her bar yesterday: Abyrn Bio Corp employee, high on Rattle. Showed her a stolen “HiveShock” NNEMP prototype. Going to use it to blackmail CPHRCORP. Pulse will take out half of Cy. Worth a fortune. Nova spotted a beaconworm tracker on it. Nice tech, but an easy hack. Rooted it while Rattlemouth wasn’t looking. Now it’s her tracker, not whoever planted it.”
Content: A gig to steal some shit for a pal who deserves the help.
Writing: Densely packed details of the target office complex, enemies to encounter, events unfolding, rumors about the op, and more.
Art/Design: Trifold brochure layout with a dark-themed outer set of panels and a light-themed inner set. A labeled map is provided on one panel, and a player-facing map/handout is included as a separate file.
Usability: Sections are clearly distinguished by a consistent set of borders, headings/labels, and panel-based whitespace to facilitate identifying desired information. Text is easily readable and uses high contrast (black on white and white on black).

A Piece of the Auction

Concept: “A priceless NFT known as the Mona Lizard, goes up for auction at the famous Smotherlee’s Auctioneers tomorrow morning. Your mission is to provide security for a representative of Tulles& deVerte, who wish to add the piece to their private, tax deductible, collection. You will be provided with a driver and special dispensation to enter the hills at Galgbacken where you will collect Mx. Angel Solscraper, before continuing on to the auction house in South Central.”
Content: A scenario for the group that wants to rub elbows with the elite but also to engage in copious amounts of violence.
Writing: Focused descriptions of hook, relevant NPCs, and unfolding events all offer GMs plenty of material to build on.
Art/Design: Colorful, mostly single-column high-contrast text layouts with a variety of illustrative styles to complement page specifics. An overhead map of the auction house is provided as well.
Usability: Font choices (typefaces, size, colors) make for easy reading and consistently recognizable navigation throughout the supplement.

A$$hole$ and Elbows

Concept: “A low-level, mid-tier manager type from Aegis Conglomerated—using the screen name Mr. Greensleeves—needs an Aegis BioTech prototype implant recovered. This rare tech was “mistakenly” put down the recycle chute and ended up in a Mosscroft junkyard, Big Dumpers. As reward for recovering the implant and saving his job Mr. G promises to provide a backdoor into Aegis Financial for potential debt reduction. It’s simple: get to Big Dumpers, search for the implant, get the fuck out, and return it to Mr. G. What could possibly go wrong?“
Content: A simple search and rescue operation–but the PCs aren’t the only ones performing it.
Writing: Tons of character packed into the junkyard location (with a dozen areas of interest) and NPC details.
Art/Design: Trifold pamphlet layout that includes a map of Big Dumpers and relevant specifics on the inner panels, while job and NPC information appears on the outer panels. Color scheme is a mix of black-on-white and white-on-blue/yellow-on-blue.
Usability: Organization is easily recognizable, with headers and important information consistently distinguished from body text by font choice, size, color, and inline bolding.

All Roads Lead to Chrome

Concept: “Being a mercenary isn't easy work. Between the gunfights, dealing with shady corps, and fending off crazed psycho's, you are bound to get hurt. Sure, you can train to get better at handling these types of situations, and maybe you can shill out some creds for a new gun or two. But eventually, no matter what path you take, if you really wanna hit the big leagues…”
Content: A set of rules to flesh out cyberware and cy_rage, along with several new drugs and a job to snag some cargo from a tech-obsessed cult.
Writing: Accessible and concise rules, with lots of detail and explanation provided for the assorted cybertech and the job.
Art/Design: A mix of white-on-dark (for the cybertech rules & drugs) and black-on-white (for the job). Occasional images complement page text, with a brain-shaped map provided (and keyed0 for the job. Bright colors and bold text highlight important information and serve as headers. A print-friendly black-on-white version of the cybertech rules is also included.
Usability: Readable fonts, visually recognizable organization of page contents thanks to spacing/grouping and section borders. Consistent application of particular color choices and bolding to help with navigating and locating desired information.

Amethyst Reign

Concept: “This month’s adventure sends some street toughs on a ridiculously difficult mission — assassinate one of the world’s most famous musicians, hours before he releases his hotly-anticipated new album. He’s holed himself up in a secret recording studio, and now the PCs need to track him down and kill him before his new album influences a new generation.”
Content: A job to take down a musician before the night is over.
Writing: If most Cy_Borg missions are stripped-down punk that hint at options a GM might use, this incredibly detailed gig is prog metal. Plenty of specific considerations to address a wide variety of possible PC actions.
Art/Design: Two-column layout (plus some handouts and pre-generated character sheets) with black text on a light background supplemented with full-color illustrations, blue-on-green maps with white labels, and NPC stat boxes. 
Usability: Consistent organization, arrangement, headings/labels, and readable text all contribute to an easily navigable and usable document.

An Evening at the Bionic Swan

Concept: “Dr. Ethan Nett was a lead scientist at United Citadel Security, working on an injectable, tactical A.I. enhancement for operatives. A project that was due to be shut down. However, in a moment of weakness and arrogance, Dr. Nett injected the prototype Built-in Urban Didactic Defensive Intelligent Entity (B.U.D.D.I.E.) into himself in the hopes of continuing the work off-site. Unfortunately for Dr. Nett, B.U.D.D.I.E. has managed to hijack his higher brain functions and is taking his body on a joyride. B.U.D.D.I.E. is also riddled with bugs, has a largely unstable personality and is the equivalent of an 8 year old with the processing power of a minor god.”
Content: A job to either capture/secure a scientist or extract them from imminent danger.
Writing: Engaging details for entertaining setup, execution, and aftermath/consequences of the mission. 
Art/Design: Primarily white text on black in one-, two-, and three-column layouts, with occasional images–NPC portraits, silhouettes of ambient sights, and a map and logo for the bar itself.
Usability: Consistent visual grammar throughout document to indicate how each section and content element relates to the others. Helpful blue lines plot a path from one text box to the next to indicate order of unfolding events.


Concept: “The name Adam is a ghost story corporate execs use to frighten new recruits. A faceless, unfeeling, calculating master assassin that only targets Central’s elites. Or at least he was a ghost story…”
Content: A dungeonesque excursion to hunt down an elusive corporate assassin.
Writing: Prolific details about the scenario, locations, potential events/encounters, and options that a GM might elect to include, provided in a straightforward and engaging style.
Art/Design: Dark backgrounds with one- and two-column text layouts with a variety of illustrations that draw attention to important components on each page (characters and events, especially).
Usability: High contrast between text and background facilitates reading, with font choices and colors that offer a consistently accessible experience for navigating and locating desired information, from NPC stats to roll/encounter outcomes.

Assault on the Hills

Concept: “Buried deep within the twisting streets and endless hedge rows of the hills is the mansion of Helon Evontusk. Members of the board have tasked the punks with infiltrating Helon's home and finding a way to remove him from his position as CEO. If they can do this and escape without being captured, they will be rewarded with a massive collection of creds and some cutting-edge cybertech for the effort.”
Content: A job to take down one of the most narcissistic tech entrepreneurs in the Hills–with multiple options provided for dealing with him, each more satisfying than the last. 
Writing: A tongue-in-cheek celebration of billionaire compeuppance. Sensory descriptions, random encounters and events, and NPC details all complement one another to build a vivid scene.
Art/Design: Sleek, mostly black-and-white layouts (with the exception of the cover and an isometric floor plan on the first two pages) that work to evoke the trappings of tech innovation. A set of top-down print-friendly and VTT-ready job site maps is provided as well.
Usability: Text is high-contrast throughout, and page layouts clearly provide visual indication of headings/labels vs. body text, with whitespace used to not only suggest related consent but also to guide reading and navigation through each page.


Concept: “An easy job !  Just sit around and babysit some corpo doctor and this box. Easy money?”
Content: A gig to retrieve, guard, and escort a person and their cargo to a designated safehouse.
Writing: Prolific details to flesh out the mission and the various groups with interests in its success–or failure.
Art/Design: Trifold brochure format provides initial parameters on the inner panels and later-stage conflicts on the outer panels. Predominantly white/yellow text on black, with NPC stats in black on brightly colored boxes, with portraits and street scenes complementing text. An additional page is provided with a safehouse location map and player-facing ‘breaking news’ info. 
Usability: Color-coded text references draw attention to different NPC interactions, and consistent use of content section color and shape makes for easy identification of desired info.

Back to the Roots

Concept: “A custom collection for Cy_Borg ttrpg, that includes:
  • 13 new weapons, 6 new drugs, 4 new items - made in the slums of CY.
  • 11 new street-made cyber-tech and 9 new APP's
  • Short descriptions of 5 new slum Gangs
  • A simple and short Adventure/Mission.”
Content: Tons of material to flesh out a game, from equipment to drugs to gang NPCs/enemies, with a scenario in the slums to take down a sadistic AI (and a map for the location).
Writing: Concise, direct descriptions and explanations of mechanics for a huge number of entries for various categories. 
Art/Design: Mostly two-column page layouts (each with its own color scheme/aesthetic) with content on a translucent background pane over detailed, high-tech images. Map of floorplan includes effective icons indicating room features.
Usability: Text is easily readable with distinct heading/label decoration present in each page’s layout aesthetic.

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