2d20 $h*t Your Contract Is Trying to Unload on You Instead of Coughing up the Money
Concept: “Your guy is trying to unload their garbage on you, maybe they want to get rid of it, maybe they are trying to scam you, maybe they genuinely don't have the money, maybe it was their plan all along…”
Content: A table of goods–some junk, some potentially valuable–that a GM might use to sprinkle in some randomness into a punk’s payday.
Writing: Tons of flavor crammed into brief descriptions of a variety of items.
Art/Design: Two versions: black-on-white and black-on-blue, each provided in primarily two-column text layout.
Usability: Both versions provide visual contrast between fore and ground, with readable font choices and consistent use of headings and list item numbering.
Concept: “In the shadowy depths of neon-lit Cy_, where man, creature, and machine meld into one, enigmatic |0r3N_C0@lM@N3|, a [de]cryptoZoologist, obsesses about cryptids. Offering bountiful creds or cutting-edge apps as rewards, she lures runners into capturing these elusive beings, her true intentions shrouded in mystery.”
Content: A collection of useful cryptid-related information and inspiration: a NPC and their laboratory, several NPCs, and a set of apps.
Writing: Descriptive overviews for entries along with mechanics that reflect the character of each.
Art/Design: Trifold pamphlet layout with pink and white on black, with each panel presented mostly as a single column of text and glitch-aesthetic illustrations.
Usability: Layout and text contrast provides easy reading and browsing for desired info.
A Piece of the Auction
Concept: “A priceless NFT known as the Mona Lizard, goes up for auction at the famous Smotherlee’s Auctioneers tomorrow morning. Your mission is to provide security for a representative of Tulles& deVerte, who wish to add the piece to their private, tax deductible, collection. You will be provided with a driver and special dispensation to enter the hills at Galgbacken where you will collect Mx. Angel Solscraper, before continuing on to the auction house in South Central.”
Content: A scenario for the group that wants to rub elbows with the elite but also to engage in copious amounts of violence.
Writing: Focused descriptions of hook, relevant NPCs, and unfolding events all offer GMs plenty of material to build on.
Art/Design: Colorful, mostly single-column high-contrast text layouts with a variety of illustrative styles to complement page specifics. An overhead map of the auction house is provided as well.
Usability: Font choices (typefaces, size, colors) make for easy reading and consistently recognizable navigation throughout the supplement.
Concept: “10 additional Cybertechs for CY_BORG.”
Content: A set of cybertech options for further bodily customization.
Writing: Cybertech names and features are imaginative, suggesting creative opportunities for timely uses.
Art/Design: Two-column spread, with table of cybertech options on the left and a black-and-white illustration of an individual with significant cybernetic modifications. A black-on-white print-friendly version is also included.
Usability: Table contents are cleanly organized, with color/bold highlights for table row numbers and costs for each cybertech.
Amethyst Reign
Concept: “This month’s adventure sends some street toughs on a ridiculously difficult mission — assassinate one of the world’s most famous musicians, hours before he releases his hotly-anticipated new album. He’s holed himself up in a secret recording studio, and now the PCs need to track him down and kill him before his new album influences a new generation.”
Content: A job to take down a musician before the night is over.
Writing: If most Cy_Borg missions are stripped-down punk that hint at options a GM might use, this incredibly detailed gig is prog metal. Plenty of specific considerations to address a wide variety of possible PC actions.
Art/Design: Two-column layout (plus some handouts and pre-generated character sheets) with black text on a light background supplemented with full-color illustrations, blue-on-green maps with white labels, and NPC stat boxes.
Usability: Consistent organization, arrangement, headings/labels, and readable text all contribute to an easily navigable and usable document.
An Evening at the Bionic Swan
Concept: “Dr. Ethan Nett was a lead scientist at United Citadel Security, working on an injectable, tactical A.I. enhancement for operatives. A project that was due to be shut down. However, in a moment of weakness and arrogance, Dr. Nett injected the prototype Built-in Urban Didactic Defensive Intelligent Entity (B.U.D.D.I.E.) into himself in the hopes of continuing the work off-site. Unfortunately for Dr. Nett, B.U.D.D.I.E. has managed to hijack his higher brain functions and is taking his body on a joyride. B.U.D.D.I.E. is also riddled with bugs, has a largely unstable personality and is the equivalent of an 8 year old with the processing power of a minor god.”
Content: A job to either capture/secure a scientist or extract them from imminent danger.
Writing: Engaging details for entertaining setup, execution, and aftermath/consequences of the mission.
Art/Design: Primarily white text on black in one-, two-, and three-column layouts, with occasional images–NPC portraits, silhouettes of ambient sights, and a map and logo for the bar itself.
Usability: Consistent visual grammar throughout document to indicate how each section and content element relates to the others. Helpful blue lines plot a path from one text box to the next to indicate order of unfolding events.
Concept: “The name Adam is a ghost story corporate execs use to frighten new recruits. A faceless, unfeeling, calculating master assassin that only targets Central’s elites. Or at least he was a ghost story…”
Content: A dungeonesque excursion to hunt down an elusive corporate assassin.
Writing: Prolific details about the scenario, locations, potential events/encounters, and options that a GM might elect to include, provided in a straightforward and engaging style.
Art/Design: Dark backgrounds with one- and two-column text layouts with a variety of illustrations that draw attention to important components on each page (characters and events, especially).
Usability: High contrast between text and background facilitates reading, with font choices and colors that offer a consistently accessible experience for navigating and locating desired information, from NPC stats to roll/encounter outcomes.
Concept: “A mid level exec has lapsed into a coma after an unwise deep dive into the sewer levels of the net. When he came back up, it was with a permanent look of horror and endless babbling about ‘the woman’, yelping in terror at random moments, reacting to something that no-one else could see. He’s actually infected with the BANSHEE virus. It hijacks the carrier’s audio and visual implants, terrorising them until their brains overload and shut down.”
Content: A gig that takes a party of punks into an exec’s dying mind in search of important data.
Writing: A swirl of informative exposition and characterful style to situate a game group inside the mind of their target and all the horrors residing there.
Art/Design: Colorful one- and two-column text layouts, with each page having its own aesthetic and an accompanying illustration.
Usability: Text is easily readable across pages and assorted font choices, with each page’s organization recognizable through text size and color distinctions for headings/labels and body content.
Chain Mail Demon
Concept: “After finding a cursed message on the 'Net, the Punks are hunted by a strange creature that attacks them when they sleep. Can they find a way to avoid its deadly touch? Or will they sacrifice their friends in order to be spared?”
Content: A creature to terrorize punks who check their inbox.
Writing: Half stats/mechanics and half flavorful messages relating to the monster, all of which evoke an appropriately frightening net-nightmare.
Art/Design: Neon and white on a dark background displaying the chain mail demon illuminated in red, surrounded by boxes with text content.
Usability: Supplement is provided as .png and .txt file. Visually, the .png version makes it easy to identify different kinds of content and how to locate desired info. The .txt version is helpfully organized and labeled, with excellent text descriptions of the visual elements of the .png to aid with accessibility.
Character Sheets
Concept: “Fillable character sheets of two kinds; the OG color explosion and a more minimalistic one in case you don't want your printer to suffer.”
Content: The official character sheet for the punk who's ready to fuck shit up.
Writing: Mostly limited to labels for sheet fields, although a few very brief details help serve as reference/reminder for Nano, Apps, Glitches, and Equipment roll-related specifics.
Art/Design: Black-on-white with pink highlights (and a more printer-friendly version without pink) that arranges character information in visually distinct fields–some with creatively represented shapes and signs!--across three major columns.
Usability: Fields are fillable, allowing for easy continued use digitally or printing. Not all field labels are selectable, so screen reader users might have trouble identifying where to insert relevant details.
Corp Index
Concept: “More in-depth intel on the rulers of Cy. The Corp info appendix ripped straight out of the CY_BORG book. Includes the main Corps and their leaders, businesses, HQs and possible adventure sparks.”
Content: Four pages of corporation names, logos, slogans, business ventures and holdings; important NPC info; inter-company rivalries and tensions; and other juicy tidbits to flesh out the world.
Writing: Crisp, concise details speak a wide range of possibilities into the imagination, from political machinations to secrets to violent conflicts, without limiting how to realize or incorporate them into a game.
Art/Design: Black-and-white flat design scheme of software application windows melds contemporary aesthetics with text-centric retro UIs.
Usability: Alphabetized organization of each corporation’s set of windows is consistent and easy to navigate, with key terms/names/etc. bolded for quick identification of desired info.
Corp Net Spam
Concept: “A virtual maelstrom of Net posts, viral feed spam and other in-world messages regarding the main antagonists; the corporations and the cults. Don't believe everything you read. Be vigilant.”
Content: A treasure trove of plot hooks/seeds presented as assorted in-universe social media posts and headlines that each relate in some way to one or more of the major corporations in CY.
Writing: Extremely engaging hints at, and outright accusations of, a wide variety of reasons to take down each of the big corps–not that a PC needs more reasons to do so.
Art/Design: Translucent text boxes that resemble software application windows over a dark background with paint and graffiti patterns scattered across it, Several text-centric message windows are positioned around each corporation name and logo presented in its own window.
Usability: Significant font size and type differences across windows can slow down the navigation and reading experience (and evokes the noise of net traffic), but high-contrast window borders visually distinguish the parameters of each message and, thanks to some window overlap, which nearby corporation it relates to.
cy_borg character generator
Concept: A web-based character generator.
Content: A generator that includes saving and ‘copy to clipboard’ functionality.
Writing: N/A (copy is taken from rulebook)
Art/Design: Clean, simple organization with distinct sections of content for stats, abilities, equipment, etc.
Usability: Single column layout with horizontal rules to separate sections allows for quick decisions to save or roll another character.
Cy_Borg Gallery
Concept: “All my Mörk Borg/Cy_Borg fanart can be used freely by anyone, without having to ask me and without crediting me!”
Content: A range of brightly colored images, mostly portraits, that fit into the world of CY.
Writing: Each image is accompanied by a brief description by the creator about the subject's name or occupation.
Art/Design: A gritty neon take on the cyberpunk “high tech, low life” juxtaposition as filtered through the harsh and messy Cy_Borg aesthetic.
Usability: Images are incredibly high resolution when clicked on from the gallery view.
Cy_Borg Grey Tone Gallery
Concept: “All my Mörk Borg/Cy_Borg fanart can be used freely by anyone, without having to ask me and without crediting me!”
Content: A range of grayscale images, mostly portraits, that fit into the world of CY.
Writing: Each image is accompanied by a brief description by the creator about the subject's name or occupation.
Art/Design: A stark black-and-white take on the cyberpunk “high tech, low life” juxtaposition as filtered through the harsh and messy Cy_Borg aesthetic.
Usability: Images are incredibly high resolution when clicked on from the gallery view.
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