
Concept: “10 additional Cybertechs for CY_BORG.”
Content: A set of cybertech options for further bodily customization.
Writing: Cybertech names and features are imaginative, suggesting creative opportunities for timely uses.
Art/Design: Two-column spread, with table of cybertech options on the left and a black-and-white illustration of an individual with significant cybernetic modifications. A black-on-white print-friendly version is also included.
Usability: Table contents are cleanly organized, with color/bold highlights for table row numbers and costs for each cybertech.

Concept: “10 more additional Cybertechs for CY_BORG.”
Content: A table of ten cybertech options with a range of functions/features.
Writing: Very brief details and mechanic descriptions that together create vivid ideas for using/implementing each at the table.
Art/Design: Landscape layout using a photocopied aesthetic, with table on the left in yellow text and a black-and-white illustration of a cyborg-esque figure on the right. A black-on-white print-friendly version is also included.
Usability: High-contrast text and table layout make for easy navigation/perusal.
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