Ex Libris CY_BORG A directory of content, tools, and resources

Krok Hunters

Concept: “Kroks lurk beneath the neon giants, prowling the drug-laced wastewaters high society discharges [flush by flush]. Moneyed aristocracy adores the animals’ hardened skins, cladding themselves in the hides of once sentient beings to project a capitalistic air of murderous consciouslessness.

Descend into CY’s sewers to harvest hides, fight the legendary King Krok, and other nasties.”
Content: A trifold pamphlet job to seek out and collect sewer-dwelling creatures’ hides.
Writing: Lots of terse descriptions and notes about assorted locations, inhabitants, and potential encounters for punks to deal with below the streets of Cy.
Art/Design: Black-on-yellow and black-on-white trifold layout, with page two including a simplified/abstract map of the sewers that also serves as a set of content section borders. A photograph of a large crocodile serves as the cover art. A black-on-white printer-friendly version is also provided.
Usability: Consistent presentation and layout of content allows for quick navigation to and identification of desired information, and the sewer map visual overlay/integration complements the text descriptions of relevant locations.