Concept: “If you thought life planet-side was bad, just wait until you get to The Brink, the space-station that skulks in orbit, where the corpos can decide to shut off your oxygen.
- Walk the lovely avenues of the Arcology or relax in the parlors of Paradise Bloc
- ...if you're filthy rich, which you probably aren't
- otherwise, mill around in Middling, and retire to the sterile squalor of the Pods
- fight for your profits (and your life, but that's just incidental) in the cutthroat competition of the Thruways
- join up with stationside pvnks to try and make a difference
- eat space food! (it's not very good)
Content: An orbital location with tons of different areas to explore, people to meet, jobs to run, and a bit of food to eat.
Writing: Extensively detailed information about the station and what goes on there, along with a number of tables to add a bit of additional surprise or variety to a given table’s experience on The Brink.
Art/Design: Several different page layouts and color schemes provide variety from one page to the next while also providing some consistency across each time a given aesthetic appears.
Usability: Text is mostly high-contrast and easily readable, with visually distinct headings and labels. Some color and font choices may momentarily slow down the reading/navigation experience.