Ex Libris CY_BORG A directory of content, tools, and resources


Concept: “Tribute — a 48-page triple-threat zine with content for Mörk Borg, CY_BORG, Death in Space. Whatever sick or sad ideas came to my mind, I banished into this cursed little booklet. [...] CY_BORG. Go dumpster diving (in CY), visit the REAKTOR, die in horrible car accidents, and play as a revolutionist chemist!
By day, you mix and cook in the corps’ polluted factories; the ¤ ¤ ¤ are much needed. Reaction kinetics are on your mind. By night, you burn the palaces. You poison the organism that feeds you. Your concoctions are august.
Content: A zine whose focus is partially on several Cy_Borg-related supplements: a class (Revolutionist Chemist); a mini-game (Dumpster-diving) with random encounters and loot tables; and a club location (Reaktor) with related tables for drinks, NPCs, trouble, and music genres. 
Writing: An overall balance of general and atmospheric description, in-universe text (such as instant messages/social media posts), and mechanical/rules-based explanation. 
Art/Design: Distinct spreads/pages for each entry, with a variety of aesthetics and graphics (photo collage, hand-drawn illustration, simple icons, etc.). 
Usability: While spreads do vary aesthetically, each has an identifiable organization and layout that consistently presents information throughout for ease of navigation and use.