Ex Libris CY_BORG A directory of content, tools, and resources

FULL AUTO - Vehicle Engagement Rules for CY_Borg

Concept: “Jailbreak your ride and take to the streets with the FULL AUTO vehicle rules for Cy_BORG […] FULL AUTO gives punks a straightforward set of rules with enough crunch to create engaging car chases through the streets or canals of CY.”
Content: A wide range of inspired vehicular rules packed into eight pages (full-size, mini-booklet, and plain text versions). 
Writing: Concise, direct rule explanations surrounded by hilarious software-glitch flavor text.
Art/Design: A technicolor mix of mock digital UI and roadside aesthetics that manages to suggest both unique layouts/pages and consistency throughout the document.
Usability: Recognizable organization on each page and high contrast text (although white on red on one page might be difficult for some readers) makes for an engaging and enjoyable experience. Plain text version allows for incredibly easy reading and selecting/searching.