Ex Libris CY_BORG A directory of content, tools, and resources

Landship Messiah

Concept: “To most in the upper echelons of Cy, this saviour is a myth. But still those under-blocks that it inhabits and pollutes are left alone, and those who live close revere it as a watchful penitent god, to whom those who sin must be taken.”
Content: A mythical vehicle of righteous vengeance and its acolytes.
Writing: Descriptions and NPC stats oozing with classic British grimdark sci-fi flavor.
Art/Design: Two two-page spreads, one of which resembles a set of propaganda posters on a wall, and the other sports a large illustration of the landship messiah rolling down a street amid its followers. 
Usability: High-contrast text with consistent distinctions of content blocks, headings/labels, and types of content.