PUNK FEATS [Unheroic Feats for CY_BORG]
Concept: “MÖRK_BORG's Unheroic Feats for CY_BORG.
Some Feats have been replaced completely and some have been hacked too much to be analogous, these are marked with a ■.”
Some Feats have been replaced completely and some have been hacked too much to be analogous, these are marked with a ■.”
Content: A set of d66 optional improvements to obtain, each of which provides a different mechanical and situational benefit. A text-only version is also included.
Writing: A brief atmospheric blurb is provided to situate the gameplay bonuses and effects of each included feat/improvement.
Art/Design: Two-column white-on-dark layout, with new/different feats from the original Unheroic Feats list marked for ease of reference. A colorful border, looking like the edges of a smashed computer screen (with a skeletal fist and guns at the bottom). Text-only version provides white text on a simple black background.
Usability: Font choices are high contrast and easily readable, with consistent layout and presentation of all elements–italicized descriptions, bolded and italicized numbered entry names, and horizontal rules to separate distinct entries.