Concept: “A virtual pet. A solo game (e.g. Dark Fort, Solitary Defilement) but one you play along side the main game, filling in the boxes depending on how well your main character does. Print it on the back of your character sheet.”
Content: A set of rules to facilitate raising/evolving a virtual pet while trying to survive in CY.
Writing: Rules are specific and concise to explain the rules/mechanics so that the pet’s evolution occurs alongside a punk’s success/failure. “Shell color” list evokes the ‘90s tamagotchi options quite vividly.
Art/Design: One-page landscape-oriented layout that closely resembles the aesthetic of the Cy_Borg character sheet, with three main columns of distinct types of content (evolutions/shell color, stats/medicine, rules). Pixel art in evolution boxes and tamagothi images complement the explosive, glitchy primary art style.
Usability: Supplement is provided as a text-accessible PDF as well as full-color and black-and-white .JPG files. Font choices are high contrast and generally readable visually, with the character sheet-based layout helping to guide Cy_Borg players to desired information quickly.