Ex Libris CY_BORG A directory of content, tools, and resources

Five-Finger Death Cock

Mörk Ninja

Concept: “Mörk Ninja is a ninja class for Mörk Borg / CY_BORG / Vast Grimm and is compatible with any other Borg game (except Pirate Borg, which no self-respecting ninja would ever be caught playing). It is intentionally overpowered because ninjas are awesome.”
Content: A class for the player who has to make sure they’re bringing the very best to the table, whether anyone wants it or not.
Writing: Concisely provided mechanics/abilities with occasional nods to the absurdity of the concept.
Art/Design: Text on the left, in two columns and white/yellow on black, with an illustration of a ninja on the right
Usability: Changes in font type, bolding/decoration, arrangement of columns/lists, and heading color all facilitate easy identification of and navigation to desired information. 
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