
Disgraced Cubicle Zombie
Concept: “One bad day. A round of layoffs. Corporate Downsizing. Locked out of your coffin apartment. Your life subscription cancelled. Thrown out like garbage. Disposable. Replaceable. Not anymore. Stick it to the corpo pigs that ruined your life over an automated rounding error.
Make them pay.”
Make them pay.”
Content: A class for the wage slave who’s falling down and ready to bring those who wronged them to the gutter as well.
Writing: Potently concise descriptive and mechanical details highlight essential qualities of the class.
Art/Design: A rainbow of neon colors across the landscape-oriented spread, with an image of a disgraced cubicle zombie standing on a car toward the left side of the page, with class information taking up the remaining space.
Usability: While the colors are eye-searing (with the initial descriptive paragraph having the last contrast on the page), different kinds of content are consistently and reliably tinted, arranged, and spaced for more easily identification and navigation throughout.

Explosive Ideologue
Concept: “The world is over. The human race is fucked. Alien AIs are the new overlords. They want our precious thought waves and reproductive organs. It’s all their fault. You know who. That’s why they want to stop you. That’s why they want to destroy your prophetic visions. They want to stop you from telling the TRUTH. You have to make people pay attention to your message otherwise a corpo hit squad doesn’t just disappear you and scrub everything. The only thing people pay attention to is violence. Time to make your own fertilizer and stuff drones full of high explosives. The TRUTH needs to be told.”
Content: A class for the conspiracy theorist who’s ready to put their ideas into practice.
Writing: An emphasis on descriptions and mechanics that reflect the information overload and sensory assault of the class works well to position a player who wants to give the class a try.
Art/Design: Extremely loud prismatic color scheme with purple having prominence. Nearly every line is a different font or color from those around it. An illustration of an explosive ideologue is placed to the left of the single-column text taking up the majority of the page.
Usability: Text is not embedded, so no searching/selecting text. The variety of fonts, text sizes, and color choices means that the content may be incredibly difficult for many to read.

Pursued Courier
Concept: “You are Hell On Wheels. Broken glass and blood on concrete. Squealing tires and bullet casings mixing smoke. You transport anything for anyone except the pigs. A run went bad and you finally carried something really important to the wrong people and they want you dead.”
Content: A class for the player who works best under intense, deadly pressure.
Writing: Terse combinations of class mechanics and flavorful description.
Art/Design: Eye-searing colors highlight an image of a courier approaching their bike next to a column of class features.
Usability: Consistent, recognizable organizational scheme makes reading and navigation incredibly easy.
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