
The Ivory Tower
Concept: “As you roll around in the filth of Cy's streets, the corpo scum look down on you, sat on expensive chairs, in lavish offices, in their Ivory Towers. Judging which corp is the worst is like comparing cyanide apples with asbestos oranges, but SynerGYST media definitely is rotten for sure. AI generated content and mindless-slop churned out to the masses, designed to hit the correct sequence of neurons so you buy their collectable figurines and cheap t-shirts. Repeat this every week ad infinitum and somehow rake in billions of credits at the same time. You have the golden opportunity to knock these slime bags down a peg, and make some creds while your at it. Seems like the perfect job right?...“
Content: A job for enterprising punks to deal with a corp executive.
Writing: Important details for fourteen rooms’ worth of dangers, d6 reasons to take down the target, NPC stats, and situationally relevant rules to provide even more of a memorable challenge for players at a table.
Art/Design: Black-on-white landscape-oriented spread with three columns of content (two with text, one with two building floors’ layouts keyed to room descriptions).
Usability: Sections are clearly marked and distinct from one another, with recognizable headings, labels, and arrangement of similar sections’ content.
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