Concept: “Tales of wealthy eccentrics having their heads cryogenically frozen, have been around for a long time. They can't really be true, can they? Raid an automated facility to make off with some corpo's frozen noggin' for phat creds with this easy to integrate Urban Legend.”
Content: A set of quick job hooks that can stand alone or be inserted into other jobs/missions a group of punks might pursue, along with a map for a typical cryogenic storage facility.
Writing: Terse descriptions and setup leave much up to the GM, but there’s enough presented with a particular attitude in mind that can guide how to frame the gig(s).
Art/Design: A wide spread of job info presented as white text on blue sidebar and a full-color gallery of the target heads-in-jars (note: although they’re decapitated heads in jars, the images aren’t gory), with the map provided as an additional one-page blueprint-style white-on-blue.
Usability: Text is easily distinguishable in terms of content sections and the purpose for each, with a recognizable organization scheme to facilitate browsing and locating specific info.