Project P.R.E.S.E.N.T.
Concept: “When you really really REALLY need to make someone go away, give them a final gift with the P.R.E.S.E.N.T. - Personal Rectilinear Electromagnetic Slug Emitter; Neutralizes Targets. It's gonna cost you, but can you really put a price on joy?”
Content: A highly illegal weapon for when a punk needs to absolutely obliterate an opponent as well as anyone or anything with the misfortune of standing behind that opponent.
Writing: Terse details leave plenty of room for imaginative interpretation.
Art/Design: Mix of black-on-white and black-on-bright pink/purple and red. Primarily single-column text save for weapon name and damage, which frame the main content area.
Usability: Plain text version is provided for potentially easier reading experience.