Ex Libris CY_BORG A directory of content, tools, and resources

Ripper Junkie

Concept: “You’re a self-surgery maniac, but more than that, you’re an artist. Your body is a canvas, and you gladly suffer for your work. Get rippin’.”
Content: A class for the self-improvement enthusiast who’s never quite satisfied with their work.
Writing: Brief but characterful class traits and mechanics.
Art/Design: Two-page spread with black/yellow/pink-scheme. Two tables are provided on the left side and an abstract illustration of a ripper junkie on the right, with brief class details laid over it at various points on the page. 
Usability: Class features are in mostly easy-to-recognize sections, although a few might get initially overlooked where they blend in a bit to the right-page image. Some text is quite small, and since class is provided as a PNG, text is not selectable (so no searching, copying/pasting, or screen reader compatibility).