So, Your Best Friend is a Doppel?
Concept: “
[recruiter77@mandela ~]$ sudo project-mandela --help
#################—BEGIN TRANSMISSION—#################
<<<<<<< In these tumultuous times, our beloved Cy faces a dangerous threat – Doppels, insidious infiltrators that mimic the human form. It is our collective responsibility to be vigilant guardians of our society, defending against those who wish to undermine our way of life. This pamphlet provides you with the essential knowledge required to identify and dispose of these impostors safely.
[recruiter77@mandela ~]$ _
[recruiter77@mandela ~]$ sudo project-mandela --help
#################—BEGIN TRANSMISSION—#################
<<<<<<< In these tumultuous times, our beloved Cy faces a dangerous threat – Doppels, insidious infiltrators that mimic the human form. It is our collective responsibility to be vigilant guardians of our society, defending against those who wish to undermine our way of life. This pamphlet provides you with the essential knowledge required to identify and dispose of these impostors safely.
[recruiter77@mandela ~]$ _
Content: An “in-world” pamphlet providing rules for “doppels” and information on how and where to hunt them down.
Writing: Textual content balances between informative approach for players and GMs and informative for PCs, maintaining an ominous undertone for both sets of audiences.
Art/Design: Trifold pamphlet layout, with single-column text in each panel. Black-on-white text is accompanied by full-color illustrations on pamphlet cover (of a girl and her doppel) and on one inside panel (of a doppel detector). One version of the pamphlet is provided with a background texture while the other is without.
Usability: Easily recognizable visual organization of content and use of particular arrangement and fonts to indicate relationship between text blocks and panels.