Zwyntar Pass / Moonshine - A Borg Dovble Featvre
Concept: “This is a double feature, 2 one shots for 2 different Borg Systems. One is "Moonshine" for the Cy_Borg system. It features players robbing a rich senator's house to steal his supply of crypto-moonshine. The other is called Zwyntar Pass for the MorkBorg system. It features players trying to hunt a troll at a pass at Graven-Tosk. Both scenarios were inspired by a Ukrainian band called Zwyntar.”
Content: A job to steal a bunch of crypto-moonshine from a senator’s home.
Writing: Concise details that cover important elements for the score and how different approaches might lead to different results.
Art/Design: Eye-blistering neon purple, pink, and yellow (with a bit of green-on-black) across two pages: one text-heavy GM-focused page and one player-facing page with a map of the job location.
Usability: Headings and different blocks of content are visually distinct from one another thanks to font size choices and whitespace use.