Thirty One Dark Nights
Concept: “Each year, during October, Exeunt Press hosts Mörktober. A 31 day event that encourages creators to make something each day for MÖRK BORG or other BORG games, in this case Cy_Borg, based on a prompt list and then share it with the community. More about Mörktober.
Thirty One Dark Nights is a compilation of the 31 Cy_Borg compatible creations I made for the 2024's Mörktober event.”
Thirty One Dark Nights is a compilation of the 31 Cy_Borg compatible creations I made for the 2024's Mörktober event.”
Content: A collection of enemies/threats, equipment, locations, drugs, viruses, surgical options, and more with which to make a game of Cy_Borg vividly fucked up in fantastic ways. (Note: individual entries are PWYW, with a paid option for a fully compiled set of the entries.)
Writing: Mörktober’s purposefully morbid and eerie atmosphere is mixed with pitch-black humor, while unique abilities/rules/effects situate each concept for game rulings.
Art/Design: White/gray on black with a different accent color (and heading typeface) and accompanying illustration for each entry/page.
Usability: Consistent body text and label emphasis/decoration allows for navigation to and recognition of desired info elements, while distinctions in entry accent colors and headings orient the reader to the essence of that entry.