Bartosz Oleaczek

Dead End
Concept: “Henri, a connected security guard contacts the PCs. A legendary cyber killer has died and ended up in the morgue. Easy credits can be earned, one just needs to break in and strip off some of his cyberware.”
Content: A job to retrieve a cybernetically enhanced skull from a morgue.
Writing: Lively setup and detailed considerations of different events that might occur or approaches the PCs might take allow for a variety of engagements with mission parameters and unexpected hiccups.
Art/Design: A mix of black on white and yellow/white on black text accented with several NPC illustrations and a well-labeled map (and an unlabeled map to give to players).
Usability: High-contrast text and clean, recognizable layouts with consistent presentation of distinct kinds of text/content make navigation and reading easy.

Fishguts Crawl
Concept: “Sveri Suplex, up-and-coming cybertech influencer has lost it and joined a cult of neoprimitivists in Mosscroft. His handlers in Tulles&deVerte offer good ¤ for finding and bringing him back to civilization.”
Content: A delightfully disgusting romp through a rotting whale to liberate an off-the-grid social media darling.
Writing: Tons of Lovecraftian and body-horror atmosphere to unsettle punks out for easy creds. Cultist and organ generators provided to help flesh out the locations.
Art/Design: A mix of red, black, and white for text, background, and illustrations (of NPCs, the overall map, interesting objects/phenomena) with one or more columns of content on a given page.
Usability: Visually recognizable and high-contrast headings and organizations of content on each page thanks to consistent decisions with font sizes and color choices. Two player-facing versions of the location map (one full-color, the other black and white) are provided as well.

Stalkers of G0
Concept: “Stalkers of G0 is a 40-page supplement on the exclusion zone in the heart of the City of Y!̸͆̅̌”̶͌̉#̸͇̞̻̌̚”̶̨̻̘̇̉̊͆̈́͒̌̆̓̕͜#̶̖̣̘̻͖̥͕̙̀̃̈́́̄̕̕͜͠2̶̧̻̺̝̥̮̣̒͒̂͐͐̍́́͘̕̕4̴̿̌’̷̛̙͍̠̙̿. It describes its environments, eccentric denizens and horrors beyond human understanding through the lens of Stalkers. Stalkers are individuals from all walks of life, inexplainably inclined to risk dying horribly in this hellhole.”
Content: Tons of details to bring G0 to life: locations, factions, enemies, mission generators, anomalies, a class (“Stalker of G0”), and more.
Writing: Extremely flavorful atmosphere evoked through vivid descriptions and conversational tone taken to address the reader. Mechanics (such as the abilities of the Stalker class) feel appropriately in tune with the intended vibe.
Art/Design: Different page/spread layouts throughout, with color schemes and font choices often used to link together multiple related pages.
Usability: Recognizable headers (on any given page as well as chapter/section headings), high-contrast text, and contextual framing of page content all make navigating and locating desired info easier to accomplish.

Sweat Blood Tears
Concept: “Sweat/Blood/Tears is a strtup making a bank off of shitty fitness centers and uncancellable gym memberships. A group of problem solvers is hired by disgruntled customers to free them of the draconian contracts by any means necessary.”
Content: A job to stop predatory gym membership subscriptions by any means necessary.
Writing: A dark but tongue-in-cheek look at an AI-driven fitness center, with a variety of thematic details for NPCs and locations/rooms to fuel a table of punks looking to take down the gym.
Art/Design: Black-and-white layouts presented both as a pamphlet and as a series of portrait-oriented pages, with illustrations of NPCs likely to be encountered and a helpful map of the gym with room descriptions provided inside each room. A player-facing map is also included.
Usability: Consistent high-contrast text, content area borders, font choices and embellishment, etc. all contribute to ease of visual navigation and location of desired info.

Train Through the Pain
Concept: “A self-improvement cult headed by a mad NET influencer has kidnapped a brilliant biochemist. Independent entrepreneurs all over CY are scrambling to break him out and use his talents in their shady business ventures.”
Content: A job to “liberate” a scientist from one sketchy situation so they can serve a different one.
Writing: Terse, conversational descriptions of important NPCs and location details are complemented by even briefer relevant stats/mechanics.
Art/Design: Black-and-white text and images presented in both a pamphlet format and as standard portrait-oriented pages. A map of the target location and illustrations of some NPCs accompany the text (along with a cover image of a hairy or veiny individual being assaulted from all sides). A player-facing map is also included.
Usability: High-contrast text and consistent use of specific fonts/embellishment for headings, body text, emphasized info, etc. helps with easy visual navigation and identification of desired details. Room descriptions in each relevant map room similarly allow for quick reference/atmosphere notes.
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