Ex Libris CY_BORG A directory of content, tools, and resources

Galactic Funk Creations

100 CY_BORG Characters

Concept: “Let me guess, your players are at prepping a heist and in the process take a turn you didn’t expect leading them to want to talk to someone that's not a part of their current goal. Sure you could improve something on the fly but why not let this list of 100 Cy_Borg Characters and their goals take some of the work of running the game off your shoulders?”
Content: A list of one hundred NPCs, each provided with a name and a one-sentence description of them.
Writing: Sentences are terse but hint at potential plot hooks for a table of punks to explore.
Art/Design: A cover page has an illustrated portrait of a young person in a hood. Otherwise, the list consists of single-column list entries in white on a black background (and a black-on-white version is also provided). 
Usability: High-contrast text in a visually readable font, aided by consistent numbering and spacing throughout, makes for easy perusing and navigating to desired information.

100 CY_BORG Characters #2

Concept: “Introducing ‘100 CY_BORG Characters #2’ – the perfect companion for your CY_BORG gaming sessions, designed to add depth and flavor to your adventures in this cyberpunk world. If you're a fan of CY_BORG, this supplement is a must-have addition to your collection. 
Inside this resource, you'll find a collection of 100 NPCs, each complete with their own names, goals, stats, and personalities. These characters are tailor-made to fit seamlessly into your CY_BORG campaigns, whether you're a veteran player or just starting out.”
Content: One hundred NPCs with which to populate Cy–complete with descriptions, personalities, stats, and motives.
Writing: Character details are terse but potent, allowing for a GM to make effective use of them at a table.
Art/Design: A full-color illustration of a cyberpunk-looking figure is on the cover page. Otherwise, details are provided as white-on-black text/background (and as a separate black-on-white version) in a single-column numbered list with bulleted subpoints.
Usability: Details are provided clearly and consistently, with text in a high-contrast visually readable font.

100 CY_BORG Megacorps

Concept: “Ruling high over the scum who wander the city of CY, Megacorps are the true power in the city. Most if not all are in debt to at least one of them, while everyone relies on them for what they need..as well as the vices that help them tune out. More than the gangs, the police, or rival teams, its the Megacorps and their CEOs who are the real enemy of all the powerless who call CY home. Here are 100 different corps and their CEOs to help you run your next CY_BORG game!”
Content: A set of one hundred corporations that contribute to making Cy as terrible a place as it is.
Writing: Each megacorp is provided with a brief overview of its area of industrial expertise and its CEO, along with the CEO’s public persona and secret goal.
Art/Design: White-on-black and black-on-white versions are both included; for each, megacorp entries are single-column text with bullet points. A full-color cityscape image is provided on the first page.
Usability: Text is high-contrast and in a visually readable font, with the list entries consistently presented (overall numbering and arrangement of bullet-point data).
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