Phil’s TTRPG Layout Jam 2023

Concept: “An Heir of Kergoz has cracked a forbidden code and is using a coterie of childlike CYDROIDS™ to bring out the end times. It's up to you to hunt him down in his keep at the edge of G0 and end this madness.”
Content: A job involving a doomsday ritual that needs to be interrupted/prevented, presented in one of a number of different ways (via the parameters of Phil’s TTRPG Layout Jam 2023).
Writing: Several key variables have been tweaked from the default adventure copy to more seamlessly integrate the adventure into CY.
Art/Design: Presentation reflects an early Atari-style video game map/booklet layout with black-on-white scheme (and occasional blood spatter), with each room’s description/contents provided in text beside the location map where the relevant room has been highlighted in gray.
Usability: Font choices and contrast make for visual readability (although some text is quite small, such as the content in gray call-out boxes beneath some maps). However, text is not embedded, so searching or selecting text is unavailable.
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