Jayden Desveaux (MiniZombieBoy)

Jet Skaters
Concept: “Part of the Street Death series and inspired by Jetset Radio, graffiti culture and skateboard competitions, Jet Skaters is a Cy_Borg supplement that adds the cool kids pasttime, skateboarding with hover boards, grind rails, half pipes and possibly actually attacking others.
Grab your deck, roll your trick tests and spend your trick points (that let you make more trick tests) and become a master shredder!”
Grab your deck, roll your trick tests and spend your trick points (that let you make more trick tests) and become a master shredder!”
Content: A set of rules for nailing sick skating tests and all-around thrashing to create some sparks of joy on the otherwise soul-crushing streets of CY.
Writing: Straightforward, informative mechanics should get players quickly situated to show off what they can do or die trying. Tables for boards and board designs offer hints at some unique character dimensions.
Art/Design: Black on green single-column layout across several pages with two tables.
Usability: Headings are italicized for distinction from body text, although the body text leans a bit obliquely. Sections of content are separated from one another with ample white space, and the tables use alternating background shades of green to help with readability/navigability.

Noize Weaponz
Concept: “Part of the Street Death series and inspired by Jetset Radio, graffiti culture and skateboard competitions, Noize Weaponz is a Cy_Borg supplement that adds 2 audio weapons that ignore armour, deafen enemies and play in stereo.
With the rifle esque NoisBlaster and the explosive EMP 3 Player you can melt the ears off of any enemy and if you save up enough you can augment your listening experience with equalizer settings to buff the damage of your base cannons!“
With the rifle esque NoisBlaster and the explosive EMP 3 Player you can melt the ears off of any enemy and if you save up enough you can augment your listening experience with equalizer settings to buff the damage of your base cannons!“
Content: Three equipment options (two weapons and an upgrade) for engaging in sonic warfare with one’s enemies or victims.
Writing: Terse, crisp explanations of weapon abilities and their effects on those nearby.
Art/Design: Colorful pixel art and a pixel-style font (black on green) across two pages.
Usability: Consistent organization of content throughout the supplement allows for quick navigation and identification of desired information, from item name to credits to effects.

RCD Graffiti
Concept: “Part of the Street Death series and inspired by Jetset Radio, graffiti culture and skateboard competitions, RCD Graffiti is a Cy_Borg supplement that adds 7 pieces of street art that give various buffs to your character.
Everything from bonus melee damage when spraying and scanning a satanic emblem to casting Nano easier when painting a radioactive symbol to just general graffiti that angers the corporations!“
Everything from bonus melee damage when spraying and scanning a satanic emblem to casting Nano easier when painting a radioactive symbol to just general graffiti that angers the corporations!“
Content: A set of graffiti tags to spray along with optional rules that allow for spraying those tags to create temporary (24-hour) buffs.
Writing: Conversationally informative and intensely flavorful explanations of graffiti in CY and how these particular tags function.
Art/Design: Black on green single-column layout with full-color pixel art graffiti tags above their buffing effects. Each tag is also provided with its own heading/label in a distinct font reflective of its general aesthetic.
Usability: Fonts are readable and organization is simple and consistently applied, leading to a simple set of rules to easily incorporate into a game of Cy_Borg.

Street Crews
Concept: “Part of the Street Death series and inspired by Jetset Radio, graffiti culture and skateboard competitions, street crews adds 3 new street gang enemies inspired by the crews of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk!”
Content: A trio of enemies to fuck up a table of punks–or just to populate the background of some of CY’s more dangerous back streets.
Writing: 50/50 mechanics and descriptive flavor, with each NPC receiving a unique and potentially devastating ability that reflects the essence of their gang’s theme.
Art/Design: A two-column table with each gang in its own row: a description on the left and stats on the right. Black on green with alternating cell background colors (lighter and darker greens).
Usability: Each table cell and element is recognizably distinct, making the page easy to peruse and locate desired information. Consistent use of underlining and whitespace helps create a visual grammar to quickly pick up on.
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